Planning Review: Volume 14 Issue 6

Table of contents

Guerrilla strategies for underdog competitors

Kathryn Rudie Harrigan

A small firm, like Key Pharmaceuticals, pioneers niche businesses by developing novel ways of delivering medicine to a patient's bloodstream—for example, nitroglycerine absorbed…


Telephone industry diversification: Leanring from Contel

Robert Ratonyi

The deregulation of the telephone industry and the breakbup of AT&T has unleashed monumental changes affecting investors, competitors, vendors, and virtually every telephone user…


Innovative structures for managing change

Rodman L. Drake

“Nothing in progression can rest on its original plan,” said Edmund Burke, “We may as well think of rocking a grown man in the cradle of an infant.” Think of Burke's grown man as…



Robert Pavan, Milton Leontiades

Despite the title, the central focus of this book is how portfolio planning techniques assist or impede strategy in large diversified companies. The author does not test the…


Personal computers empower strategic management

Bernard C. Reimann

Although the personal computer (PC) invasion of the corporate world may be old news by now, most organizations are just beginning to appreciate some of the benefits—and hazards—of…


Brazil: Best bet/biggest gamble

William D. Coplin, Michael K. O'Leary

Brazil's enormous natural resources, which include new mineral discoveries and agricultural developments, are gradually being exploited to fuel the country's development. These…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited