Planning Review: Volume 14 Issue 1

Table of contents

“A plea for relevance in academic writing”

Robert Fulmer

A new generation of business teachers is performing in the national spotlight. During the past year, more students have been taught by professors Tom Peters, Ken Blanchard, Lee…


Integrating acquisitions: The Allied‐Bendix Merger

Charles A. Lamb

On November 21, 1985, Allied‐Signal, Inc., announced it had lopped off 30 of its business units at one stroke. Forming the second largest corporate divestiture in history (the…


Transforming bankers trust from retail to wholesale

Charles S. Sanford

A Strategy for corporate survival is, by definition, a response to a challenge. In the financial services industry, the challenge to the economic survival of money center…


Strategy valuation in portfolio planning: Combining Q and VROI ratios

Bernard C. Reimann

The major objective of any business organization should be to create value for its stockholders or owners. If the stock of a publicly held corporation does not provide its…


Product‐market decisions: Dancing on the razor's edge

Roy E. Carpenter, Jerry Kinard, Frank Van Mullen, Peter Wright

Competitiveproduct‐market decisions differ according to the challenges a firm faces, and these variables need to be considered in the planning process. Four actual cases in point:


Porter's competitive advantage, revisited

Donald E Heany

Nearly forty years ago, Professor Edward Mason, then the guru of industrial organization in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard began an experiment. He encouraged…


Changing the economic mechanism in the Soviet Union

Thomas H. Naylor

Two views of trade prospects with the Soviet Union are offered in this article and a companion study by Messers Coplin and O'Leary, Prof. Naylor is guardedly optimistic, while his…


The U.S.S.R.: Don't expect wheeling and dealing

William D. Coplin, Michael K. O'Leary

President Mikhail S. Gorbachev's rise to power in the U.S.S.R. represents a transition from the old guard to the younger party leaders. However, his regime is based on a…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited