Planning Review: Volume 12 Issue 3

Table of contents

Sniping at strategic planning

Robert M. Randall

At a recent New York NASCP workshop titled, “Corporate Strategists Under Fire,” Fortune writer Walter Kiechel, III delivered a free‐swinging attack on consultants, strategic…


Repositioning Warner‐Lambert as a high‐tech health‐care company

Elizabeth E. Tallett

At Warner‐Lambert we have recently made a significant and revolutionary change in the way we manage our business. Our objective has been to reposition Warner‐Lambert as a…


Igniting creativity: A strategic process

James F. Bandrowski

Most top executives involved in strategic planning agree that developing successful business strategy requires penetrating analysis at the beginning, creative ideas in the middle…


Investment and strategy evaluation: A personal computer model

Mark J. Lawless

A standard chore for most planning departments in strategically managed companies is evaluating capital spending strategies and alternatives. To make these evaluations, planners…


The case of the disappearing planner

Leon Reinharth, Daniel W. Russie

Since the scientific study of management began more than a hundred years ago, planning has been acknowledged to be one of the principle functions of managers. It seems hard to…


The 1984 risk index for international business

William D. Coplin, Michael K. O'Leary

Business continues to face increasing world‐wide political and economic risks, despite signs of a modest economic recovery. This survey of 80 countries shows risks increasing for…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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