Planning Review: Volume 12 Issue 2
Table of contents
How Gulf Oil deals with uncertainty
Ann D. GrossTHE three paramount goals that govern the overall planning process at Gulf Oil Corporation are:
Who will be harmed by de‐industrialization?
Leon TaubThe de‐industrialization of the United States has been foretold by many prophets of gloom. It is true that in the past three years the economy has dramatically shifted from the…
Predicting unitary tax legislation: A case study of political analysis
William D. Coplin, Michael K. O'LearyIn the November 1983 issue of Planning Review, the authors suggested that corporate planners could benefit from systematic political analysis. Two of our readers accepted the…
New themes in the changing policy‐planning environment
Madelyn Hochstein, Lawrence KaaganIn the last quarter century, business planners have increasingly had to expand their grasp of economic and social issues and to deepen their knowledge of the various forces…
Multiple image forecasting
Alan A. YelseyBusiness forecasters are generally adept at creating the single‐scenario numerical forecasts most commonly used in corporations. However, we rarely produce a useful overall…
American Express: Planning in a rapidly changing environment
Carl H. MalmstromAnyone who has followed the general developments in the financial services industry over the past few years, and at American Express in particular, knows that extensive changes…
Capitalizing on information in the public domain
James W. FellaWhats my business going to be doing in the next quarter? What market problems or opportunities will I have to face? What will the business environment be like in the future…
The Melancholy Prince
Not so very long AGO, there lived a happy, joyful, carefree and complacent young prince. When he arose, the sun would follow, smiling brightly down on all the kingdom. There was…