Planning Review: Volume 11 Issue 5

Table of contents

The economy near term: An imperiled recovery

Lawrence Chimerine

Overview the present economic recovery is now about nine months old and is likely to continue for the remainder of 1983 and into 1984, although the rate of recovery will slow…


Making corporate history a planning resource

Gilbert Tauber

Since the mid‐1970s, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of major corporations that have established archives or retained professional historians. Some of this may…


Technology company strategy: Growth or profitability?

Donald McLagan

Nowhere in industry is the trade‐off between profitability and growth more critical than in high technology companies. In an embryonic company, market acceptance of a new…


Strategic planning at la roche college: A case studyY

Douglas F. Schofield

Any truly effective planning process must consider a broad array of strategic choices. Planners must approach the process open‐mindedly with as few preconceptions as possible, and…


Surveying small company planning problems

Maurice L. Smith

Small companies plan less and plan differently. This is part of the findings of a survey of planning practices in companies of all sizes conducted in 1982 by the MBS Group. There…


Resistance to planning

Ernest A. Kallman, Leon Reinharth, H. Jack Shapiro

Any planner who tries to begin the planning process in a company speedily runs into negative attitudes, excuses, and foot dragging. This problem is so prevalent that one of the…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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