Planning Review: Volume 11 Issue 3

Table of contents

The compensation/responsibility relationship

Peter P. Pekar

IN 1981 we began surveying U.S. companies in the $800 million to $20 billion annual sales range to obtain a sophisticated job description of the top corporate planning positions…


Political forecast for international business

William D. Coplin, Michael K. O'Leary

Continued global recession, weak demand for raw materials, mounting international debt, and the reduction in lending from international banks during the past twelve months will…


Bootstrap advice for mature industries

Bela Gold

An overview despite more than thirty years of intermittent fanfares proclaiming the onset of the postindustrial society, our manufacturing industries are still the basic driving…


The impact of demographic and societal changes on U.S. business

George H. Brown

With due recognition to the fact that business planning always occurs in an environment of uncertainty, the decade from 1975 to 1985 seems more uncertain than most. It contains…


Has financial leverage gone too far?

Michael J. Hergert

Corporate growth and how to finance it are issues fundamental to business strategy. Starting in the mid‐1960s, many firms issued bonds and borrowed heavily to fuel their growth…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited