Planning Review: Volume 10 Issue 5
Table of contents
Planting seeds for the future
Edward S. CornishIn 1974 Champion International Corporation could be described as a company in search of an image. In spite of being the nation's fourth‐largest forest products company at the…
Public affairs planning at J.C. Penney
Carter A. WeissThe lesson is clear. The inability of American business to respond to its public responsibilities has spawned an underlying public distrust of the business community. Increased…
New tools for corporate planners
John A. HowardIn 1960 I approached a Gulf vice president in charge of marketing to service stations in four states to cooperate in a study of pricing. His reply was quick and honest: “I don't…
Dealing with the media: Perception vs. reality
Michael M. KlepperThe private sector … is no longer private. Business, particularly big business, is scrutinized by the press as never before. How a company is perceived affects its recruiting…
The strategic environmental matrix: A concept on trial
Peter P. Pekar. Peter P. Pekar. Jr.A metamorphosis is taking place in strategic planning. Indicative of the change is the number of recent planning articles appearing in Fortune and the Financial Times of London…
Planning for tomorrow's consumer
John J. CassonThe financial decisions of American consumers are swayed by a multitude of forces. Business cycle fluctuations and vagaries in fashion are short‐term influences. Long‐term…