Planning Review: Volume 10 Issue 1

Table of contents

Michael E. Porter speaks on strategy

Malcolm W. Pennington, Steve M. Cohen

Michael Porter, considered by corporate managers and business analysts to be one of strategic planning's leading theorists, is a professor of business policy at the Harvard…


Indal: 27 acquisitions in 18 years

Dermot G. Coughlan

Ed: Indal Ltd., a diversified, Toronto‐based industrial organization made up of 50 small‐ to medium‐sized companies with sales ranging from $3 million to $60 million, has achieved…


Going public with strategy in annual reports

Laura N. Gibson, Robert G. Murdick

Judging the increasing number of strategic statements appearing in company advertisements, stockholder meetings and annual reports, corporate executives now believe there is a…


Planning strategies for joint U.S.‐Soviet business ventures

Stephen Osofsky

Viewed against the Soviet Union's willingness to establish trade agreements with the West, American corporations could profit handsomely by developing strategic plans tailored to…


A model for identifying political risk

Conrad E. Pearson

Pity the corporate planner of a major multi‐national who, at the peak of his frustration, exclaims: “I wish our company could get expropriated in Brazil!” Many years ago, when the…


A new strategy does not always demand a new structure

Cathy Nichols‐Manning

For years, organizational theorists and management consultants have been exhorting their clients to develop a clearer understanding of the values derived from reorganization by…


The planning department's plan

James E. Day

Planning literature contains many examples of the types of services planning departments provide. Numerous articles describe the role of planning managers, and still others deal…




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1975 – 1996

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