Work Study: Volume 44 Issue 3


Table of contents

Aggregate planning today

Lin Pan, Brian H. Kleiner

A firm must plan its manufacturing activities at a variety of levelsand operate these as a system. Aggregate planning is medium‐rangecapacity planning which typically covers a…


Report from the Fifth International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research

John Heap

Way back in February of this year, I attended ICPQR95 (see the titleof this piece to work out what the letters stand for) in Miami, USA.(The things I do for Work Study readers!…


A state government which costs less and achieves results

Nancy L. Hadley

Three years ago, a small group of Connecticut state agency leadersgot excited about the possibility of reinventing government in the imageof businesses which were pursuing quality…


Management commitment for successful suggestion systems

Andrew E. Marx

Everything mankind has and will have in the future is and will be theresult of people′s ideas. Ideas are derived not only from people ofabove average intelligence, but also from…


ATM finds an application

John Lynch

ATM is the coming network technology. We keep being told so –by suppliers of ATM equipment! It is true that ATM offers the potentialof huge bandwidth but the question is Is now…


Implications of lean manufacturing for human resource strategy

Rosalind Forrester

The advent of fundamental changes in processing systems towards leanmanufacturing has coincided with a period of transition within the fieldof people management. Many companies…




Online date, start – end:

1952 – 2003

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Emerald Publishing Limited