Education + Training: Volume 1 Issue 9


Table of contents


THERE ARE many reasons why technical education failed so lamentably to develop in this country up to the second world war. One of them was the way in which the country's…

Tackling the Problem of Transfer from School to Part‐time College Courses

A.W. Badcock

With the recent college enrolment days not far behind us, it is useful to take a closer look at the means by which action directed towards this important process can reduce…

The Development of GCE Courses at a College

F. Metcalfe

The value of the full‐time college GCE courses for ex‐secondary modern pupils, which have been running at Ipswich for nine years, is assessed by Mr Metcalfe. He describes the…

THE BULGE — Progress Report Number 1: Action taken so far

John Wellens

THE CENTRAL fact of the bulge is well‐known: between 1958 and 1964 900,000 additional young people will be seeking employment. Less frequently recognised is the fact that this…

Executive Development for the Technologist

S.R. Maxwell

The author concludes the consideration of management teaching in technical education, which he began in our last issue, with an appraisal of the present situation and some…

Courses in Work Study for Building and Related Industries

W.M. Macqueen

The author describes the thinking behind the establishment of some college work study courses for building and related industries. He refers to the selection, and educational…

The Organisation of Laboratory Work: 3 — Applied Mechanics S.3

W.A.G. Easton

Having described the list of suggested experiments for Engineering Science S.1 and S.2 in his last two articles, Mr Easton now considers the experiments for the third year Applied…

The Purposeful Teaching of Chemical Analysis

R.T. Bottle

The author maintains that quantitative chemical analysis can be taught in such a way as to make it interesting, and that it can also be used as a basis for the teaching of other…

University Examinations and College Physics Teaching

J.W. Warren

THE University of London Special and General degrees influence strongly the teaching of advanced physics in technical colleges. Most advanced teaching in the past has been for…

The Renault Apprenticeship Centre

K.F. Smart

The traditional and official attitude towards technical training in this country is that it is the duty of industry to train its own skilled workers with the help from technical…

Teaching Strength of Materials to HNC and HND Students

G. Pallett

Since the war, technical college courses have widened tremendously. New subjects — automatic control, nuclear engineering, work study, etc. and, of course, liberal studies now…

A Ram Jet Instructional Test‐rig

P.A. Hilton

A LOW‐SPEED ramjet engine mounted in a static test‐rig makes an unusually versatile educational aid in the teaching of such subjects as thermodynamics, gas dynamics, jet…

Visual aids

A regular feature giving news and comment on events and productions in the field of visual aids for technical and scientific teaching and training

Notes and News: LIBRARY NEWS

ARCHITECTURAL COLLEGE LIBRARIES. Few special colleges are so ‘library conscious’ as those training the architect. This, of course, is partly due to the nature of the profession…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken