Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 13 Issue 2

Table of contents

Report on a visit to European computer‐based information centres

Lucy A. Tedd

It is increasingly important, especially with the advent of EURONET, that we in Britain are kept aware of developments in Europe and vice versa. In recognition of this the British…


Computer Production of the Programme Index at the BBC

Philip R. Bird, Joanna E. Clark

The Programme Index covers domestic radio and television broadcasts of the BBC. Following a recommendation by Aslib consultants, it was decided to replace the existing card index…


Computerisation of the Rutherford Laboratory Catalogue

K.M. Crennell, E. Marsh

The conversion of the Rutherford Laboratory Library catalogue to the computer is described. An existing program package, FAMULUS, already running on central laboratory computers…


University of York Library automation project:: 1. The circulation system

M.E. Evans

The library implemented its circulation system, based on a Plessey light pen system Model 1A (SPC) and the university's Decsystem‐10 computer, in the summer of 1977. A hybrid…


University of York Library automation project:: 2. Production of catalogue cards by computer terminal

M.E. Evans

Developed as a subsystem of the library's circulation system, this produces, through a terminal typewriter linked to the mainframe computer, conventional catalogue cards, and also…


University of York Library automation project:: 3. The reserve (short loan) system

M.E. Evans

The main circulation system is off‐line and as an advance booking facility offered by the existing manual system was to remain, a hybrid subsystem, partly manual and partly…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited