Management Decision: Volume 30 Issue 7

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Table of contents

Australia’s Needs and Management Education

Alan Buttery, Rick Tamaschke

Questions whether the traditional US model of management educationwhich currently underpins many management courses in Australia andaround the world is appropriate for Australian…


Financial Information, Risk, and Share Value

John C Groth, Clair J. Nixon

Technology offers great opportunities to firms. Successfullybringing the benefits of technology to market and realizing favourablereturns requires a careful balance and management…


How to Market Your Professional Services: A Strategic Approach

Peng S. Chan

Introduces the concept of client‐centred marketing to consultantsin order to help them market their professional services. This approachcomprises several components, including a…


Simplifying Strategic Planning

Reuben Sokol

Looks at the benefits of finding ways to simplify the strategicplanning process which include saving time in developing a plan andshortening the lead time to implement it, making…


Economic Reforms Create Opportunities in Africa

Sam C. Okoroafo

Highlights economic reform policies recently instituted in a numberof sub‐Sahara African countries. The reforms have drasticallytransformed these economies: import restrictions…


SIA, Developing Countries and Marketing Opportunities: A Primer

Alf H. Walle, John K. Ryans

Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is a type of mandated research whichis typically implemented during the planning stages of developmentprojects. Unfortunately, such data are often…


What You Always Wanted to Know about Marketing Strategy...But Were Too Confused to Ask

Gael McDonald, Christopher Roberts

An examination of marketing terms and strategies with copious casehistories and examples of firms who have become market leaders in theirfield or (in some instances) have had…


Sales Promotions as a Competitive Strategy

Mark Davies

Sales promotions are often conceived as having tactical, ratherthan strategic, potential. This is accounted for by the sheer diversityof promotions, together with the hectic…


Control of Dominant Firms in the UK and EC

Christopher Pass, Bryan Lowes

Competition policy in the UK and European Community is concernedwith the maintenance and promotion of competitive markets. However, manymarket sectors in the UK and EC exhibit…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)