Industrial Management: Volume 80 Issue 3
Table of contents
British industry must exploit computer techniques to keep up with world competition — government report
In line with Industrial Management's policy of examining and reporting on technological developments of interest and use to managers in British industry, we have been reading a…
Hand strapping machine for heavy duty packaging applications in factories
The latest hand operated strapping machine by Reisosa of Spain for palletised loads and bulk packaging applications in factories is now available for the first time in the UK from…
A micro computer for the smaller business
The new Superbrain computer from Russell & Son Ltd., of London is a micro computer providing all the resources of much more elaborate systems for a fraction of the cost. It…
New Labour Law Plans
The Engineering Employers' Federation supports the broad intentions of the Employment Bill, which received its second reading on December 17. However, it has reservations over the…
Improving productivity through people, not money
Is the carrot of more money for greater output per man hour the best way of improving productivity? Companies that believe this are likely to fall far short of their goals. They…
A clean solution What to use, how to use it, when to use it
There is in reality very little mystery about the mechanics of the cleaning operation, and an understanding of what is involved in the removal of soiling will enable management…
Can you trust your cleaning to a subcontractor?
To subcontract or not to subcontract — it's a question that's been discussed for years. Some swear by own labour as this appears to give them more control over the job. Others use…
Institute of Factory Management
This issue of Industrial Management is due to be published and to reach Members before the holding of the third Annual General Meeting of the Institute, notices about which will…
Design for success — keeping your company up‐to‐date in design and technology
Gordon Russell Limited, J. C. Bamford Excavators Limited, W. H. Smith and Son Limited and Lucas Industries Limited, have been given the 1979 Presidential Awards for Design…
Low temperature pretreatment saves £5000 net per year for International Harvester
Low temperature metal surface cleaning and phosphating processes developed by Pyrene Chemical Services Limited are saving £8370 per year in energy costs at the Bradford factory of…
Union Carbide to donate a fully equipped welding laboratory to Sheffield University
Union Carbide UK Limited are to donate a fully equipped welding laboratory to Sheffield University's Department of Metallurgy. Union Carbide, who have a specialist division that…