Industrial Management: Volume 77 Issue 2
Table of contents
When charity's not so sweet
WAGE negotiators will need to put their faith in more than charity before the year's out. For what seemed a novel solution to the troubles at Rubery Owen is unlikely to be applied…
In Brief
Worker directors — the ‘iced cake’ executives John Ray, managing director of Chloride Europe — the giant battery company — called for a modern trade union structure for Britain in…
As the value of sterling goes down, so Britain's exports become more competitive — or at least that's the reasoning favoured by the politicians. But a devalued pound has other…
The views of the few
There's been plenty of generalised comment about the reluctance of university leavers to take jobs in industry — an attitude borne out by latest recruitment figures. But what…
‘We're no Luddites’, says dockers' leader
Brian Nicholson, a leading union spokesman for some 20,000 dockers, comments on some of the “misrepresentations” which surround the controversial new laws governing dock labour…
Good PR starts with the annual report
Growing demand for detailed and accurate information about company affairs — spurred by the Morpeth proposals on inflation‐adjusted accounts and laws affecting disclosure — means…
Ideas in conflict
Some of the problems and conflicts facing British industry are examined here by two men in the firing line. Denis Johnson, chairman of the Bassett confectionery group, takes a…
How the cost of social law is crippling industry
SINCE 1965 we have had no fewer than 28 Acts of Parliament impinging on just one aspect of industry: the employment of people.
A restoration of rights or an erosion of freedom?
There have been well‐publicised stories of workers who have got the sack rather than join a union. David Harvey looks at the way managements and unions are handling the dilemmas…
Why Britain's a bargain for the executive posting
It's not only foreign tourists who make a bee‐line for stores like Marks and Spencer. Executives, too, acknowledge that London is a cheap place in which to work, beaten only by…
On test—the Austin Princess 2200HLS: Watch it! Your crown's slipping
THE trouble with test driving is that you can never be sure whether you've got a “Friday lemon” or a car which is fairly typical of the whole week's batch.