Industrial Management: Volume 77 Issue 1
Table of contents
INDUSTRY'S managers complain that their take‐home pay is not commensurate with their responsibilities and duties.
£150,000 aid for engineering graduates
At the same time as Professor Roland Smith has put forward his suggestions for closer links between universities and industry (see page 19), there is encouraging news of this…
Schooling against scandal
With public suspicion about big business heightened by last year's crop of financial scandals, it's more important than ever for management to be wary of any action that smacks of…
What it means to the wives
What's it like being married to a top executive who spends half his time abroad? When he's absent for months at a time and the wife is left literally holding the baby ….. or when…
Blurred advice and depleted resources
If trade union officials are to take a more active part in industrial management, it follows that they will need to know more about how companies' operate. But proposals to beef…
Just how useful are courses?
Training courses have their obvious flaws — among them the inability of students to absorb lengthy lectures and the seeming irrelevance of some subjects to the individual's…
The changes that need to be made
SmithPleas for closer ties between industry and universities are not enough, says Professor Roland Smith, who is both a practising academic and an industrialist. Here, he puts forward…
Fire in British industry extracts an appalling toll of lives, jobs, materials, and machinery. New legislation now has teeth to do something about it. But management could do a lot…
With inflation and a massive budget deficit to contend with, Italy's living costs have a close resemblance to those in the UK. But travelling and accommodation bills needn't be…
On test—the Opel Rekord Berlina: A notable car with niggling features
IT seems incredible that after 30‐odd years of mass production, car manufacturers still haven't got round to standardising control lay‐outs.