Industrial Management: Volume 76 Issue 6
Table of contents
The pay penalty facing small firms
It's tempting to assume that any measure designed to hold down wages will be enthusiastically supported by employers, while the most that can be expected of employees is grudging…
In Brief
With the British Government still urging industry to “Save it”, an exhibition on energy conservation in a country renowned for its prudent use of power resources would seem a…
The Stormy Reminder
Security alarms and fire sprinklers can only provide limited protection against business hazard — as the gales earlier this year brutally demonstrated. For firms who haven't yet…
The case for making managers into ‘union’ officials
Seconding managers to act as advocates for aggrieved employees is suggested here by Howard Miners, a senior personnel manager with 3M (United Kingdom). It would, says Miners…
Do‐it‐yourself guidance
Are your sales slipping for no apparent reason? Or do you have that nagging feeling that sales performance — though encouraging — is not as good as it should be? It's only by…
A shortage of support‐worthy inventions resulted in the State‐backed National Research Development Corporation returning £1m of funds to the Government last year. It's an example…
Now, on a happier note…
Disturbing though the previous report is, efforts are being made — both by Government sponsored and private organisations — to exploit British technology abroad. Here, Graham…
Engineering as an exclusive male occupation is being eroded by the tide of sexual equality. But progress is slow. Paula Hann talks to women who have chosen engineering as a career…
Countless tons of dangerous chemicals are stored in compounds and carried along Britain's roads every day — much of it unidentified. Norma Turner reports on dangers to the public…
William de Vigier, founder and architect of the Acrow group, has quit the MD's chair after 40 years. But this Swiss‐born entrepreneur of the old school is determined to retain…