Industrial Management: Volume 76 Issue 1
Table of contents
Where there's the will…
1975 WILL go down as the year when Britain finally acknowledged the real causes of the degenerative illness that has given the Sick Man of Europe cliche a brutal new aptness.
In Brief
Executives who find the daily drive between home and work boring can put their time to more profitable use under a learn‐by‐cassette deal between the Financial Times and the…
Turning capital to tax‐free income
Alec Snobel concludes his series on personal finance for managers outlining the benefits of single‐premium assurance policies.
Undercover risks
Executives who embark on cost of living economies might do well to review personal insurance cover to see if they are paying more than is necessary, said Alec Snobel in his…
Herbert Morris and Hydrovane outwardly have little in common. One is a long established cranemaker which five years ago faced a bleak future. The other is a relative newcomer to…
Bartering, or compensation trading as it's often known, is flourishing against a background of foreign exchange scarcity and inflation. For many firms, it provides a useful…
If you and your computer aren't compatible….
……it's probably due to the reasons explained here by Jack Smith, Univac's manager of manufacturing industry marketing. Smith — speaking at a seminar in Rome — identifies some of…
It's a long way from Burnley to the Bahamas, but a talk‐in in the Caribbean paradise can boost productivity in the industrial North, says Alec Snobel in this special report on…
Wasteful thinking
Tougher health and safety laws — coupled with rising commodity prices — have added another dimension to the saying “where there's muck, there's money”. But waste collection and…
Management inter‐relationships are usually a blend of custom and practice and common sense, difficult to define formally and open to misunderstanding. Burton Jenkins, a senior…
This Audi is something Special
ONLY 500 of these 100 GL ‘Specials’ were originally imported into Britain in April of this year. But demand proved so great that it has now become a standard model in the Audi…