Industrial Management: Volume 74 Issue 10
Table of contents
Back to work with I.R.U. THE INDUSTRIAL rehabilitation units speed up progression from sickness or injury back to work. They improve employment prospects for the handicapped, and…
Time to deflate the economists
ON ELECTION eve, the 1974 Nobel Prize for Economics was jointly awarded to Professor Gunnar Myrdal of Sweden and Professor Freidrich von Hayek of Austria for their pioneering work…
Raw material prices: the X factor that we cannot control
OH WHAT blissfully carefree days they must have seemed for Britain when she could seize a Spanish galleon laden with plundered treasure from a far‐off land. That was the way to…
The two‐way hostility to threshold agreements
FROM TALKS which Industrial Management has had with unions and management, it is clear that both sides are becoming increasingly hostile to the idea of threshold clauses in pay…
While Nero fiddled…
YOU'VE HEARD the expression “Nero fiddled while Rome burned?” It appears that his tune was called ‘infla‐tion’, and he wrote it himself.
Unilever's formula for profit
MOST COMPANIES these days can only reflect bitterly and moan about how much inflation is costing them each year. Unilever, however, is an old hand at the game of maximising…
Vetting the urge to merge
Chris PhillipsWHEN ARTHUR Brown goes into a company, it's with his business instincts sharpened and his ears pinned back. He is on the look‐out for the balance sheet which doesn't quite add up…
We're the oil sheiks now
DISCOVERY OF oil reserves under the North Sea had roughly the same impact on British people as had a much more significant piece of news on the Magi in Palestine 2000 years ago.