British Food Journal: Volume 93 Issue 6


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Industry Responsibility: Recognising Priorities for the 1990s

John A. Beaumont

As the past two decades have seen major changes in consumerism inthis country, the establishment of an Industry Policy Issues Council isconsidered which would act as a focus for…


Nutrition: A Driving Force behind Food Industry Innovation

Shawn M. Somerset

Many of the food technology innovations that are seen in today′smarketplace have an underlying nutrition basis. It is likely that futureinnovations will also be borne out of…


Health Messages in Food Labelling and Advertising: The Need for New Controls

Terry Kirk

Health messages create an awareness of the possible links betweennutrition and health, about which consumers have the right to know. Thefood label is the most appropriate medium…


Compositional Standards and Labelling

David Roberts

Explores some of the arguments for, and against, compositionalstandards and reserved names, and the alternative labelling, some ofwhich is often overlooked by protagonists. In…


Exporting in the Biscuit Industry

Geoffrey Harding, John Nicholls

In order to be successful overseas, British producers need to beprepared to develop new formulations to suit foreign conditions.Maintaining an overseas market share calls for the…


Dietary Awareness of Primary School Children

C.H. Tilston, K. Gregson, R.J. Neale, C.J. Douglas

The dietary awareness of primary school children towards selectedfood items and components including bread, potatoes, dairy products,fat, fish, meat, fresh fruit, salt, sugar and…


Food Research Strategy and Requirements: 1992‐94

Stephen J. Fallows

A strategy document which reflects many of the most prominent foodissues of recent years has been published by the Ministry ofAgriculture, Fisheries and Food. Many of its aims are…


European Food Safety Forum

David Smith

European Community legislation dealing with food safety andensuring a high standard of public health protection is discussed. Whenthe trade barriers are removed in 1992, this will…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris