British Food Journal: Volume 122 Issue 4


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Effect of utilitarian and hedonic values on consumer willingness to buy and to pay for organic olive oil in Tunisia

Zohra Zinoubi Ghali

This paper aims to study the influence of organic food perceived values (utilitarian vs hedonic) on consumer willingness to buy and willingness to pay in a developing country.


A qualitative study investigating food choices and perceived psychosocial influences on eating behaviours in secondary school students

Sian Calvert, Robert C. Dempsey, Rachel Povey

Childhood obesity is a major global health concern. Understanding children's and adolescent’s eating behaviours and promoting healthier behaviours is key for reducing the negative…


My name is bond, Pecorino Bond

Paola Paoloni, Giuseppe Modaffari, Niccolò Paoloni

The aim of this paper is to analyze how “mini-bonds,” an innovative financial tool for Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), can contribute to the development and…


Are vegetarianism and veganism just half the story? Empirical insights from Switzerland

Stefan Mann, Raluca Necula

Per capita meat consumption in Switzerland has been rather consistent for decades, although the percentage of vegetarians has risen to 14 per cent according to a recent survey…


Explaining consumers' intention to use menu labels: a structural equation modeling analysis

Yee Ming Lee, Erol Sozen

This study investigated whether consumers have reasonable estimates of the calorie content of Americans' top 10 favorite foods, explored the effects of calorie disclosure on…


Perceived value, trust and purchase intention of organic food: a study with Brazilian consumers

Eluiza Alberto de Morais Watanabe, Solange Alfinito, Isabelle Cristina Galindo Curvelo, Kavita Miadaira Hamza

The consumption of organic food grows worldwide, increasing the need of studies seeking to understand factors influencing its consumption. To extend the understanding of organic…


Safe food refrigeration knowledge, attitudes, and practices of university students

David Obande, Ian Young

Students living in university residence halls often have refrigerators for food storage, and are often living alone and handling food for the first time in their lives. Therefore…


Is healthy food convenient for health and pockets?

Elvira Anna Graziano, Fabio Fiano, Antonio Usai, Nadia Cipullo

The purpose of the study is to analyse the stock market response to a spin-off announcement concerning a food and beverage (F&B) business unit.


Comparison of hygiene standards and food safety practices between sole-proprietor and corporate-managed restaurants in Lebanon

Dima Faour-Klingbeil, Victor Kuri, Ewen Todd

The objectives of this study were to compare the hygiene standards and food handling practices between sole-proprietor and the corporate-managed restaurants in Lebanon and to…


Food for thought: Identifying the influential factors that affect consumption of organic produce in today's youth

Boban Melović, Marina Dabić, Sunčica Rogić, Vladimir Đurišić, Vesna Prorok

This paper seeks to identify the factors that influence the perceptions and attitudes of young people in Montenegro toward organic products.


Development of low glycemic index crackers from water chestnut and barley flour

Syed Zameer Hussain, Mushtaq Beigh, Tahiya Qadri, Imtiyaz Ahmad, Bazila Naseer

The purpose of the present study was to develop low Glycemic Index (GI) crackers from water chestnut flour (WCF) and barley flour (BF).


Indonesian Millennials’ Halal food purchasing: merely a habit?

Fatya Alty Amalia, Adila Sosianika, Dwi Suhartanto

To investigate the determinants of Muslim Millennials’ purchasing behavior of Halal food in a Muslim-majority country under the reflective and reflexive systems.


Developing and validating an innovation drivers' measurement instrument in the agri-food sector

Dimitrios Kafetzopoulos, Fotios Vouzas, Dimitrios Skalkos

The purpose of this paper is to develop an instrument that measures a set of dynamic drivers for managing innovation capability; and to validate this instrument in the agri-food…


Food choice in the e-commerce era : A comparison between business-to-consumer (B2C), online-to-offline (O2O) and new retail

Ou Wang, Simon Somogyi, Sylvain Charlebois

This study associated consumers' food choice motives and socio-demographic characteristics with their attitudes and consumptions towards food shopping with four e-commerce modes…


Prevalence of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella in retail organic chicken

Husnu Sahan Guran, Resat Ciftci, Nafia Canan Gursoy, Tuncer Ozekinci, Walid Q. Alali

The objective of this study was to determine Salmonella prevalence, antimicrobial-resistant phenotypes, and their genetic relatedness in frozen organic chicken collected at retail…


Geographical cues: evidences from New and Old World countries' wine consumers

Marcella Giacomarra, Antonino Galati, Maria Crescimanno, Demetris Vrontis

This systematic review aims to investigate how geographical cues affect wine consumers' behaviors, with reference to the New and Old Worlds, and accordingly, how are recent…


The nutritional behavior of pregnant women attending antenatal classes and non-attendees

Katarzyna Ługowska, Wojciech Kolanowski

The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional behavior regarding the frequency of consumption of the main types of food by pregnant women attending antenatal classes in…


Persuasiveness of organic agricultural products: Argument strength, health consciousness, self-reference, health risk, and perceived fear

Feng-sha Chou, Chih-Chien Wang, Ming-Cheng Lai, Chien-Hui Tung, Yann-Jy Yang, Kuen-Hung Tsai

The study discusses organic agricultural product persuasion using an empirical survey. This study argued that strong argument persuasive advertising message would trigger…


The importance of relationship characteristics in the export performance of food firms

Philippos Karipidis, Polymeros Chrysochou, Ioanna Karypidou

The purpose of this study is to explore how food-exporting firms assess the importance of relationship characteristics of the supply chain that impact their performance as well as…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris