British Food Journal: Volume 111 Issue 8


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research
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Table of contents - Special Issue: System dynamics and innovation in food networks

Guest Editors: Gerhard Schiefer, Melanie Fritz

Microeconomics of collaboration and network configuration

Robert D. Weaver

The past decade has witnessed a trend toward unbundling of enterprises that were once highly integrated in vertical forms or horizontally as conglomerates. The economic forces…


Chain governance structures: the European traditional food sector

Xavier Gellynck, Adrienn Molnár

The purpose of the paper is to identify chain‐level, product‐, and country‐specific characteristics of chain governance structures in the traditional food sector in the European…


Determinants of sustainable business relationships in selected German agri‐food chains

Nikolai Reynolds, Christian Fischer, Monika Hartmann

The purpose of this paper is to identify factors which influence the sustainability of selected German agri‐food chains.


Inter‐firm network capability: how it affects buyer‐supplier performance

G.W. Ziggers, J. Henseler

The purpose of this paper is to offer a view that a firm's critical resources and capabilities span firm boundaries, and are embedded in inter‐firm resources and routines.


Prediction markets: a powerful tool for supply network management?

Friedrich Hedtrich, Jens‐Peter Loy, Rolf A.E. Müller

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possible advantages of applying prediction markets to supply network management. Are the same encouraging results possible as in the…


Indications for drivers of innovation in the food sector

Fabian Capitanio, Adele Coppola, Stefano Pascucci

The purpose of the paper is to analyse the main dynamics of the Italian food system, focusing on the relationships between the inclination to innovate and a set of firm…


Innovation drivers and barriers in food processing

Frances T.J.M. Fortuin, S.W.F. (Onno) Omta

The food processing industry, confronted with increased global competition and more stringent customer demands, is pressurized to improve the pace and quality of its innovation…


World orange juice market: benefits of generic advertising

Thomas Spreen, Carlos Jauregui

This paper aims to examine the generic advertising program of the Florida processed orange industry.


Market power and trade promotions in US supermarkets

Miguel I. Gómez, Vithala R. Rao

Trade promotions are manufacturer incentives directed to retailers rather than to consumers, aiming at influencing retailer's sales, prices and merchandising practices. Although…


Eliciting processing industry damage from feed crises

Miranda P.M. Meuwissen, Alex L.A. Van Andel, Marcel A.P.M. Van Asseldonk, Ruud B.M. Huirne

The purpose of this paper is to assess direct and indirect damages of dairy processors and pig and poultry slaughterhouses in The Netherlands following the occurrence of a feed…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris