British Food Journal: Volume 92 Issue 9


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The Food Industry and Foreign Trade in Eastern Europe and the USSR

Hilary Marks

Highlights the available information on the food industry, whichshows that it is gaining in importance in Eastern Europe and the USSR.The importance of food manufacturing is…

The EEC Organic Food Proposal

Ken Gardner

Last December the EEC Commission issued a proposal for an organicfood regulation. This was based on the simplistic concept that organicfoods are prepared without artificial…

Green Consumerism and the Food Industry: Early Signs of Big Changes to Come

Richard Adams

There is a rising tide of ethical consumerism, encouraged byeconomic affluence but also by an awareness of personal and globalissues. Green consumerism is the strongest…

The Food Safety Act 1990 Reviewed

Alan Turner

The background to the new Food Safety Act and the present positionare considered. The principles of Food Acts over the years have beensound, but modern developments necessitated…

Packaging Innovation in the Food Industry

R.C. Coles, B. Beharrell

Develops and exemplifies the proposition that the key factorsdetermining the success of packaging innovation can be unified byconsidering them as consumer driven, technology…


Focus Groups: A Discussion

Mark Jenkins, K. Sara Harrison

Considers the focus group as an alternative to the traditionalstructured questionnaire. Their appeal, what they can and cannotachieve, and four key questions related to conducting…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris