British Food Journal: Volume 104 Issue 1


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Tracking and traceability in the meat processing industry: a solution

A. Mousavi, M. Sarhadi, A. Lenk, S. Fawcett

The meat industry is seeking to establish reassurance on traceability and production techniques that may help to promote confidence in the integrity and origin of their products…


The good, the bad and the ugly of butchers’ shops’ licensing in England – one local authority’s experience

Elizabeth Walker, Nicola Jones

Butchers Licensing Regulations have been in force for two years. They require premises which handle unwrapped raw meat and sell raw meat alongside ready to eat foods to operate…

Consumer attitudes to the use of two dairy technologies

K.M. Millar, S.M. Tomkins, R.P. White, T.B. Mepham

The aim of this postal survey (n = 5,000 : 19.3 per cent response) was to evaluate attitudes to two dairy technologies, bovine somatotrophin (bST) and automatic milking systems…

Market potential for organic foods in Europe

Mette Wier, Carmen Calverley

Examines the potential of organic foods in European markets, focusing on consumer demand for organic foods and the possibilities for market expansion. Aims to assess potential…


Poor diet and smoking: the big killers: Comparing health education in two hazard domains

Nigel Lambert, Louise A. Dibsdall, Lynn J. Frewer

Encouraging the UK public to quit smoking has been a public health feature for over a century to a greater or lesser degree. Persuading people to consume five or more portions of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris