Aslib Proceedings: Volume 54 Issue 6

Table of contents

Route ROI: the hard news highway

Robin Hunt

The ex‐editor of Guardian Unlimited, considers the current position of newspaper Web sites. Points to the success of the old trusted brands. Agrees they cost a lot but believes…


Ten usability principles for the development of effective WAP and m‐commerce services

Chris Condos, Anne James, Peter Every, Terry Simpson

This paper reports on the results of a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) usability study, which consists of a survey, an evaluation of two UK WAP portals and an experiment that…


Relationship between links to journal Web sites and impact factors

Liwen Vaughan, Kathy Hysen

The study found a significant correlation between the number of external links and the journal impact factor for LIS journals. Journals with higher journal impact factor scores…


Metadata‐based access to multimedia architectural and historical archive collections: a review

Jeroen Bekaert, Dimitri Van De Ville, Boris Rogge, Iwan Strauven, Emiel De Kooning, Rik Van de Walle

This review is a summary of the state‐of‐the‐art for those who have not been intimately dealing with the evolution of digital archives. At the same time this survey will be a…


An evaluation of the use of NHS touch‐screen health kiosks: a national study

David Nicholas, Paul Huntington, Peter Williams

Provides the first exploratory analysis of the use of NHS touch‐screen information kiosks located throughout the UK. It examines, through a one month snapshot of the transactional…


MPs: cyber‐men or cyber‐shy?

Gary Halstead

A study was conducted shortly after the 2001 general election to ascertain whether those elected to the House of Commons were keeping pace with their constituents by embracing the…








Online date, start – end:

1949 – 2013

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited