Aslib Proceedings: Volume 38 Issue 1
Table of contents
Vocabulary control and information technology
Derek AustinWriters on library automation such as Borko and Lancaster foresee an end to human‐based indexing and classification. They anticipate a time when users will be able to direct their…
On the fringe: working as a Health Education/Information Officer
Sue Lacey BryantMore library and information workers are likely to develop their careers ‘beyond the fringe’ of conventional librarianship. The post of Health Education/Information Officer…
An appraisal of national information policy in the United Kingdom
D.A. Lewis, J. MartynThe United Kingdom has a well‐developed and comprehensive information infrastructure which has grown up over many years, but in the strict sense it has no coherent body of policy…
Reuters: a survey of end‐user searching
Jennifer HarmanAs part of its commitment to new technology Reuters, the international news‐gathering agency, is replacing its library of press cuttings' files with a full‐text database…