Reuters: a survey of end‐user searching
As part of its commitment to new technology Reuters, the international news‐gathering agency, is replacing its library of press cuttings' files with a full‐text database, Newsbank. Until the introduction of Newsbank, information retrieval from the cuttings' files was carried out by a team of trained librarians; now it is the journalists — the end‐users — who are expected to search the database. In order to obtain feedback on the value and use of Newsbank a questionnaire was distributed to Reuters' journalists. Results show that Newsbank, in its present form, is not a success. Furthermore there is a strong feeling amongst the journalists that information retrieval is not part of their job but should be carried out by trained librarians.
Harman, J. (1986), "Reuters: a survey of end‐user searching", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 35-42.
Copyright © 1986, MCB UP Limited