New Kit and Kaboodle from Intertronics

Soldering & Surface Mount Technology

ISSN: 0954-0911

Article publication date: 17 April 2007



(2007), "New Kit and Kaboodle from Intertronics", Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Vol. 19 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

New Kit and Kaboodle from Intertronics

New Kit and Kaboodle from Intertronics

The new CircuitMedic CRC 201-2102 professional circuit board repair kit from Intertronics is a comprehensive package of equipment and information – it is probably the most complete and versatile circuit board repair kit to be found anywhere. Applications cover removal and replacement of coatings and components, repair of conductors and edge contacts, as well as plated holes, jumper wires, legend masking, key and slot, lifted lands. Naturally, the kit includes lead free repair frames.

When you consider all the bad things that can happen to circuit boards to cause a reject, it is a wonder how some of them survive at all! They get nicked, cracked, broken, scratched, burned, conductors get ripped up, plated holes get torn out. Some do not pass the final inspection. Others become the victim of changed specifications or just may not look right. That is where the CRC Professional Repair Kit comes in. It is the total package. The kit includes dry film, epoxy-backed circuit frames, and unique replacement circuits that do not use messy liquid epoxy. It includes eyelets and setting tools for plated through hole repair, Circuit Tracks to repair damaged circuits, epoxy and colour agents for solder mask or base board repairs, and a comprehensive manual ... all packaged in a convenient carrying case.

Figure 1 The new CircuitMedic CRC 201-2102 professional circuit board repair kit from Intertronics

In addition, Intertronics supply a PDF download – Repair Guide – this 186 page document gives a step-by- step walk through of all the likely repair processes – how to do it, tools needed, procedures, inspection, etc. aimed to make one-off repairs easy or regular repair processes more successful. Further, information regarding Intertronics' products can be found at (Figure 1).

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