(2008), "Extended web resource for colloid scientists", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 37 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Extended web resource for colloid scientists
Article Type: New materials and equipments From: Pigment
An extended section of the Malvern Instruments web site is devoted to colloids and colloidal stability issues. Offering a valuable resource to anyone working in this field, the colloid section now features specific and highly relevant on-demand presentations and downloadable application notes. It also provides background information on the topic and details of the analytical solutions that the company offers: in particular the Zetasizer® Nano particle characterization system and Malvern's range of stress and strain controlled rheometers.
The Zetasizer Nano measures two significant colloid parameters particle size, and zeta potential both relevant to colloidal stability. It enables non-invasive particle size characterization at high concentration with minimal dilution, and is therefore especially useful for studying aggregates or agglomerates, which are at risk of breakdown when any sample preparation is required.
Malvern's range of rheometers enables accurate and reliable rheological characterization of fluid- like, semi-solid, and solid materials. Patented Rotonetic™ adaptive control technology delivers unsurpassed torque and speed control in all test modes while an extensive range of temperature control options allows quantification of the impact of this important variable.
Colloids are finely dispersed two-phase mixtures widely encountered in everyday life in the form of cosmetics and toiletries, pharmaceuticals, paints, foodstuffs and agrichemicals. Colloidal stability is a critical issue directly linked in many instances with product quality parameters such as shelf life. The development of optimal products is dependent on the accurate measurement of colloid properties and an understanding of the variables affecting them.
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