(2007), "Machinery responsible for one in four accidents in the workplace", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 36 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Machinery responsible for one in four accidents in the workplace
Machinery responsible for one in four accidents in the workplace
AXA Insurance research with 57 employees who have been injured whilst working in the manufacturing sector over the past five years has revealed poor levels of health and safety in the workplace. A total of 16 out of the 57 (28 percent) were injured by the machinery they were using and in an industry where the use of potentially hazardous equipment is commonplace, it is shocking that three in ten of the employees claim to have had no health and safety training.
In terms of the most common accidents identified by the manufacturing employees in the study, 16 respondents also cited trips and falls as the cause of their injury, while seven (12 percent) were injured lifting heavy items and five (9 percent) as a result of contact with dangerous substances. In terms of the injuries suffered, 25 respondents (44 percent) sustained cuts, 14 (25 percent) had sprains and strains, and six (11 percent) were burnt. Four people (7 percent) sustained broken bones.
Despite this, compared with the other industries covered in AXA's study, the employees interviewed working in the manufacturing industry were the second most likely to have received health and safety training, after the transportation employees interviewed. Furthermore, 47 of the 57 (82 percent) injured manufacturing employees were requested to fill in an accident book after their injury against an average of 67 percent across all industries covered in the study.
Over half of those injured had to take time off work as a result, with six (11 percent) needing to take two weeks off. Seven people took more than one month off as a result while two people took more than a year to recover.
Across all sectors, as many as one in ten people interviewed claim to have been injured in the workplace in the past five years. The AXA study also found that employees aged over 50 are most likely to have a fall whilst doing their job (47 percent) compared to 28 percent of 18-29 year olds.
Doug Barnett, Risk Control Strategy Manager at AXA commented: “Employees in the manufacturing industry need to be particularly aware of the hazards they face in the workplace and should be fully briefed on health and safety procedures. Good health and safety procedures are vital to the running of a successful business. Not only is there a legal requirement to meet minimum standards but these injuries can mean employees have to take time off work to recover and lead to compensation pay outs. In light of this, we are advising manufacturers of all shapes and sizes, to assess the potential risks and dangers that the working environment may pose to their employees and take necessary action”.
Most common accidents and resulting injuries sustained in the manufacturing industry: how accident/injury happened number of people who have suffered this in the past five years
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Fall, slip or trip – 16
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Industrial machinery accident – 16
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Lifting – 7
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Inappropriate working environment – 5
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Contact with dangerous substances – 5
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Contact with chemicals – 3
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Kitchen accident – 2
Most common injuries sustained percentage of people who have suffered this in the past five years
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Musculoskeletal disorder (back pain, strains and sprained muscles) – 14
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Cut(s) – 25
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Burn(s) – 6
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Broken bone(s) – 4
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Headaches – 3
Health and safety trained sectors: industry percentage of sample in each industry who have received health and safety training
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Transportation and storage – 63
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Manufacturing – 60
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Retail and wholesale – 58
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Professional services – 57
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Leisure and hospitality – 50
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Technology, media, telecoms – 49
For more information about business continuity and health and safety in the workplace please go to: