(2005), "DSM to acquire NeoResins from Avecia", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 34 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DSM to acquire NeoResins from Avecia
DSM to acquire NeoResins from Avecia
DSM N.V. intends to acquire NeoResins from Avecia. It is anticipated that the closing will take place in the first quarter of 2005. DSM will pay Avecia a transaction price of EUR 515 million in cash. The transaction comprises the entire NeoResins business on a cash and debt free basis, including the acquisition of shares in 14 legal entities. NeoResins' sales in 2004 are expected to be around EUR 270 million with an EBITDA of approximately EUR 52 million. The company employs 635 people. The acquisition will be earnings per share enhancing as of year one.
NeoResins is a well-managed business enjoying high growth (around 6 per cent) and high profit margins in attractive markets. Its growth is driven by increasing industry and consumer demand for environmentally friendly coating technologies. NeoResins will form part of the business group DSM Coating Resins and will trade as DSM NeoResins. The acquisition of NeoResins will add technically very advanced resins to DSM Coating Resins' portfolio. The business group will develop synergies over the coming period, in the fields of technology, markets, innovation and purchasing.