(2003), "Sicocer® Red from BASF sets new standards for tile printing", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 32 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited
Sicocer® Red from BASF sets new standards for tile printing
Sicocer® Red from BASF sets new standards for tile printing
Keywords: Printing, Pigments, Colour
Sicocer® F Red 2360 extends BASF's range of zirconium coral pigments to include a bluish pigment with colouristic properties that set new standards.
Sicocer® F Red 2360 fulfils to a particularly high degree the demands of the tile industry for strongly coloured, heat-resistant, fine-grained pigments suitable for transparent glazes. The very pure shade and exceptional colour strength open up new possibilities in colour design. Intensive shades can be obtained both in glazes and by the new rotary printing process. With its stability to temperatures of up to 1,200°C and its low conductivity, Sicocer® F Red 2360 is the ideal pigment for application in transparent glazes.