(2001), "Complex market sector finally unravelled", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 30 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Complex market sector finally unravelled
Complex market sector finally unravelled
Keywords: IAL Consultants, Polyurethanes
IAL Consultants announce the first edition of A Global Overview of the Polyurethane CASE Markets. This report reviews the consumption of urethane raw materials in the global production of polyurethane coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers (CASE). This new study contains total reproduction and consumption of these formulated products by end-use for 2000 forecasts for 2005. The study also provides details of polyurethane raw material demand by region and listings of major manufacturers of polyurethane CASE products in each region.
In 2000, just over 3.1 million tonnes of polyurethane coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers were produced globally, consuming a total of around 2.3 million tonnes of urethane raw materials. With production of these polyurethane products forecast to grow at an AAGR of 3.3 percent, raw material demand is expected to reach nearly 2.8 million tonnes worldwide by 2005 (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 RPU raw material demand in the global CASE
sector, 2000 (%)
Production of polyurethane coatings accounts for 44 percent of the total volume of all finished products in the global CASE market, however, this is largely due to the high percentage of solvents, fillers, pigments and water in their total weight. In terms of urethane raw materials, demand within coatings is only slightly higher than within elastomers. Global demand for polyurethane raw materials in the manufacture of CASE products can be broken down as follows (see Figure 2).
Figure 2 Raw material demand by CASE product, 2000 (%)
During the next five years this situation is forecast to change, with the PU elastomer market becoming the largest consumer of urethane raw materials in the CASE sector, with global production forecast to grow at a rate of 5.5 percent per year.
Global production of polyurethane CASE by product group can be broken down as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Global production of polyurethane CASE products
by type, 2000 (tonnes)
In terms of regional trends, production of polyurethane CASE products is expected to exhibit the most rapid growth in Asia-Pacific at a rate of around 45 percent pa. These regional figures also hide more specific trends such as:
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Production of elastomers in Egypt growing at 5.6 percent pa. One of the single largest consumers of PU elastomeric footwear systems in the EMEA region is based in Egypt.
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The transfer of footwear systems production from Taiwan to China and Mexico.
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Strong growth in demand for PU flexible packaging adhesives in the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and South America as a result of the continued development of the convenience food market.
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Global production of plastic coatings and maintenance coatings are forecast to grow at 3.5 percent p.a. and 3.9 percent pa respectively (see Table IV).
This report contains over 2,400 pages and more than 1,500 tables and is presented in six major volumes, comprising 18 separate sections that can also be purchased individually. Data for the consumption and production of these specialist polyurethane products can be supplied on a regional or product basis. The report aims to provide the most comprehensive review of the demand for polyurethane raw materials in this highly fragmented and diverse sector of the polyurethane industry. Total production and consumption of the finished products is supplied by region: Europe, Middle East and Africa, The Americas and Asia Pacific and also in volumes covering the global markets for Coatings, Adhesives and sealants, Elastomers:
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Case market by product:
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Volume I: Coatings (EMEA, Americas and Asia-Pacific);
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Volume II: Adhesives and sealants (EMEA, Americas and Asia-Pacific);
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Volume III: Elastomers (EMEA, Americas and Asia-Pacific).
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Case market by region:
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Volume IV: Europe, Middle East and Africa (coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers);
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Volume V: The Americas (coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers);
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Volume VI: Asia-Pacific (coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers).
In addition, a summary of the major raw materials manufacturers, is supplied for each major region, tabulating production capacities for polyols and isocyanates. More than 180 raw material manufacturers are listed in the three regional volumes. Over 750 leading PU CASE manufacturers are also listed for each region and main product type.
The report also covers the major trends considered to be affecting current and future production and consumption of polyurethane CASE products. End-use market data is also included as an Appendix to the summaries to the three regional volumes.
Both the Global CASE Market by Product (Volumes I-III) and the Global CASE Market by Region (Volumes IV-VI) are available for $24,000 each and also include a Global Executive Summary. Smaller sections are also available for purchase.
For further details contact IAL Consultants. Tel: +44(0) 20 8832 7780; Fax: + 44(0) 20 8566 4931; Web site: E-mail: