UV glossary to standardise terminology

Pigment & Resin Technology

ISSN: 0369-9420

Article publication date: 1 December 2001




(2001), "UV glossary to standardise terminology", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 30 No. 6. https://doi.org/10.1108/prt.2001.12930fab.015



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

UV glossary to standardise terminology

UV glossary to standardise terminology

Keywords: RadTech International, UV, Curing

A glossary of terms related to UV (ultraviolet) technology – Terminology Used for Ultraviolet Curing Process Design and Measurement – has been assembled by the RadTech UV Measurement Committee to provide users, formulators, suppliers and researchers with common language used in the design and measurement of UV curing systems.

"The glossary was prompted by the scattered and sometimes incorrect terms used in industrial UV curing technologies," says Robin Wright of 3M. "It is intended to provide common and technical meanings as used in and appropriate for UV process design, measurement, and specification."

"General scientific terms are included only where they relate to UV measurements," says Dick Stowe of Fusion UV Systems. "The objective is to be user-friendly, with descriptions and comments on meaning and usage. Occasionally, where two or more terms are used similarly, notes will indicate the preferred term."

For historical and other reasons, terms applicable to UV curing may vary slightly in their usage from other sciences. This glossary is intended to "close the gap" in technical language, and is recommended for authors, suppliers and designers in UV curing technologies.

For a copy of the glossary, please contact RadTech or visit its Web site at www.radtech.org f. Contact RadTech for information on joining its UV Measurement Committee.

Further details are available from RadTech International North America. Tel: +1 301 664 8408; E-mail: uveb@radtech.org; Web site: www.radtech.org

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