Akzo Nobel appointments

Pigment & Resin Technology

ISSN: 0369-9420

Article publication date: 1 June 2000




(2000), "Akzo Nobel appointments", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 29 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/prt.2000.12929cab.024



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Akzo Nobel appointments

Akzo Nobel appointments

Keywords: Akzo Nobel

Akzo Nobel recently announced the following Supervisory Board, Board of Management, Corporate and Business Unit appointments.

Supervisory Board

At the recent Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Akzo Nobel nv, Virginia Bottomley was appointed to the Supervisory Board, effective 1 May, 2000. The Rt Hon. Virginia Bottomley JP, Conservative MP, former Secretary of State for Health and Member of the Cabinet, is currently Vice Chairman of the British Council and a Governor of the London School of Economics.

Aarnout A. Loudon and Hilmar Kopper, in accordance with the rotation schedule established by the Supervisory Board, stepped down at the same meeting, and were recommended for re-election.

Dieter Wendelstadt, who had served on the Supervisory Board for seven years, stepped down, having reached retirement age. Dieter is a former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Axa Colonia Konzern. In his capacity as Member of the Supervisory Board of Akzo Nobel nv, in addition to serving on the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, he has rendered invaluable advice during a period spanning the merger with Nobel Industries, the acquisition of Courtaulds and more recently, the divestment of Acordis.

Board of Management

Ove Mattsson, member of the Board of Management responsible for Coatings, will retire with effect from 1 July, 2000. Ove, a chemist and agronomist, joined the Board in 1994, following the merging of the Akzo and Nobel organisations. He was president and CEO of Nobel Industries AB at the time of the merger. Rudy M.J. van der Meer, currently member of the Board of Management responsible for Chemicals, will succeed Ove Mattsson as of the same date.

Dag StrÎmqvist, currently business unit manager, Pulp & Paper Chemicals (which trades as Eka Chemicals), was, at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, recommended for appointment to the Board of Management to succeed Rudy M.J. van der Meer as board member responsible for Chemicals.

Lout Lourens, currently director, Control and Administration Headquarters, is appointed director, Control and Administration Pharma, effective 1 September, 2000, succeeding Marc Rijn, who will retire as of the same date.


Neville Petersen, senior group director Coatings, will retire with effect from 1 May, 2000. Rinus Rooseboom, currently business unit manager Decorative Coatings South, has been appointed senior group director Coatings.

Leif AbiIdgaard, currently sub business unit manager Decorative Coatings for the UK and Eire, has been appointed business unit manager Decorative Coatings Europe, the newly combined European activities of the former Decorative Coatings North and South Business Units, with headquarters in Sassenheim, The Netherlands.

Jan Andersson is appointed business unit manager for the areas not covered by the new Business Unit Decorative Coatings Europe and in particular is entrusted with the task of realising further expansion in the Americas and Asia. Jan's Business Unit will be headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

Derek Welch, currently Business Development Manager Coatings, is appointed Director Strategy and Planning Coatings as of 1 April, 2000.


Conrad S. Kent, currently group director Technology Chemicals, is appointed senior group director Chemicals.

Jan Svard, currently business unit manager Surface Chemistry, succeeds Dag Strömqvist as business unit manager Pulp and Paper Chemicals. Rob Frohn, at present sub business unit manager Oleochemicals, will succeed Jan Svard as business unit manager Surface Chemistry.

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