Bean, J. (2000), "Colour formulation", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 29 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Colour formulation
Colour formulation
Keywords: Coatings, Colour, GretagMacbeth
Single-hit colour matching is the ultimate objective for coatings manufacturers pressed to increase productivity - and profit. GretagMacbeth claims that this can now be achieved with its new Windows-based ProPalette colour formulation system, aimed specifically at applications in the paint and coatings industries.
Pro-Palette 3.0, the new version, is said to incorporate several major improvements. Pigment, resin and waste calibration routines have been replaced by a single user-friendly Colourant Editor and the database sample requirements have been reduced significantly, while still maintaining a high level of match accuracy.
The user has a choice of a full combinatorial match or a "Fast Match" and the option of matching to an industry standard contrast ratio or to percentage hide. In addition, the user can now specify that a particular pigment is always used in a match and set minimum and maximum limits on individual pigment usage by either weight or volume.
Another feature is said to be the "Sorted Recipe List". This enables the user to view all the recipes generated within given DE or SpD criteria. These can be sorted by metameric index, spectral deviation, DE, cost, contrast ratio or number of colourants.