(1999), "Lab Systems launches new Nautilus 99 LIMS", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 28 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Lab Systems launches new Nautilus 99 LIMS
Lab Systems launches new Nautilus 99 LIMS
Keywords: LabSystems, Software
LabSystems has recently launched Nautilus 99, a technically advanced and feature-rich LIMS (Laboratory Information Man) (Plate 9 ).
With Nautilus 99, LabSystems claims to be attempting to change the industry, and provide laboratory automation solutions to a wider range of clients than traditional LIMS.
Plate 9 LabSystems
launches Nautilus 99
Nautilus reportedly offers new and real business benefits to clients, including:
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radically reduced implementation times;
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an end to custom programming;
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patent pending technology to support real-life laboratory Workflows;
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truly unique levels of security, auditing and traceability for regulated environments;
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minimal user training with on-line wizards, tutorials and computer-based training - a first for the LIMS industry;
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instrument integration included as standard, with install Wizards requiring no third parties.
Nautilus is the result of a three-year Joint Application Development (JAD) with users. Much of the focus has been on ease-of-use with minimal training, resulting in an application that appears as an integrated component of the WindowsTM desktop. Its (Patent Pending) Workflow technology maps LIMS directly onto the real-life laboratory processes, requiring no programming. Acccording to LabSystems customers from regulated environments have praised its unparalleled security model, auditing and traceability of information.
LabSystems also informs us that with these new technologies, Nautilus can radically cut the time to implement and go live with a new LIMS, without sacrificing laboratory requirements or compromising regulatory compliance. This massively reduces the cost of ownership for customers and will bring laboratory automation solutions to new clients.
Details: Tel (UK): 0800 269371; E-mail: