(2003), "Grain spoilage review from CCFRA", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 33 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited
Grain spoilage review from CCFRA
Grain spoilage review from CCFRA
Spoilage of grain by micro-organisms can cost the industry significant amounts of money from loss of raw material, down time, and effort involved in clean-up and further prevention. The odours formed during grain spoilage by moulds and bacteria, whilst not easily detectable by the human nose until it is too late, do offer a potential approach to the development of a sensor system for early warning – so that preventative measures can be targeted at problem batches.
As the first step towards developing such a sensor, "Microbially generated spoilage odours during grain storage: factors affecting their formation" (CCFRA Review No. 35) pulls together a wealth of background information on the nature and formation of grain spoilage odours and the conditions under which they are likely to arise. It is likely to be of interest to anyone for whom understanding the background to grain spoilage is important.
Further details are available from: Mrs Sue Hocking, Publications Officer, Tel: +44(0)1386 842225; E-mail:; and at CCFRA's on-line bookstore at Web site: