New MSc courses in Public Health with a food and nutrition focus

Nutrition & Food Science

ISSN: 0034-6659

Article publication date: 1 February 2001



Sumar, S. and Trevan, M. (2001), "New MSc courses in Public Health with a food and nutrition focus", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 31 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

New MSc courses in Public Health with a food and nutrition focus

Social, cultural, dietary, behavioural and biological characteristics determine the health of an individual, society and a nation. The new School of Integrated Health is a unique initiative of the University of Westminster that aims to integrate the study of these various disciplines to promote better health for all sections of society. It provides innovative and academically challenging courses and research programmes in the area of interprofessional education, evaluation of clinical practice, social work, community development, complementary therapies, food, nutrition and public health. The School of Integrated Health incorporates the Centre for Community Care and Primary Health and the postgraduate Centre for Food, Nutrition and Public Health.

Located in the heart of London's West End, the Centre for Food, Nutrition and Public Health is a relatively new initiative and reflects the ability of the University of Westminster to provide an interdisciplinary approach to education and professional training for a wide range of health, science and clinical graduates.

The principal aim of this centre is research and the delivery of postgraduate and short courses in food, nutrition and public health. The mission of the centre is to "contribute to the improvement of public health, nationally and internationally through high quality research, teaching and better understanding of the science involved in food and nutrition".

Staff within the centre have a wide interest in different areas associated with food, nutrition and public health, however emphasis is on the application of food and nutrition in the community as well as food safety. The main theme of nutritional research is prevention of food and nutrition-related ill health and health promotion in different settings. Currently, research projects are focused on preventive strategies for micronutrient deficiencies, social class, nutrition and chronic degenerative diseases in the UK and countries in transition in Asia and Africa. Food-based research includes aspects of food safety and control, analysis of additives and contaminants including pesticides, hormones, PCBs, irradiation of foods, food allergies, etc.

MSc in Public Health

In total, four new Masters courses in Public Health have been validated. Academically, these courses are unique in the UK and perhaps the first in its intersectoral approach to public health thereby making it innovative, disciplined and intellectually challenging. These courses are designed to address the changing profile of public health globally and as such four different pathways are offered.

New postgraduates courses

  • Master of Science in Public Health (Food and Nutrition); or

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (Food and Nutrition); or

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Food and Nutrition).

  • Master of Science in Public Health (Food Safety and Standards); or

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (Food Safety and Standards); or

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Food Safety and Standards).

  • Master of Science in Public Health (Nutrition and Health Care); or

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (Nutrition and Health Care); or

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Nutrition and Health Care).

  • Master of Science in Public Health (Society and Health); or

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (Society and Health); or

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (Society and Health).

The overall aim of these courses is to provide a more balanced and wider approach to the understanding and practice of public health together with specialist knowledge and practical skills at the interface between public health and aspects of food and nutrition.

Mode and duration

The postgraduate course is flexible and is in a modular format. Students may enrol full-time or part-time according to their individual needs for a Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert), Postgraduate diploma (PgDip) or a Masters degree (MSc). Table I shows the duration of the various postgraduate courses options which may vary a few months to 12 months full-time to 24 months or more depending on individual choice, mode of study and award.

1. MSc Public Health (Food and Nutrition)


  • To provide specialist knowledge and practical skills in food and nutrition that will enable students to identify and critically analyse local, national and global nutritional issues of public health significance.

  • To provide advanced knowledge of nutritional epidemiology that will enable students to critically examine current scientific literature on the relationship between diet and disease.

  • To enhance students' skills in research, communication, presentation and reflective practice.


Core modulesPrinciples of Public Health and Epidemiology; Nutrition and Public Health; Public Health: Polices and Promotion; Nutrition in Practice.

Elective modulesOne module from – Food Resources and Security; Managing Public Sector Organisations; Public Policy: Process and Practice.

Research modulesResearch Methods in Epidemiology; Research Project in Public Health.

2. MSc Public Health (Food Safety and Standards)


  • To provide specialist knowledge and practical skills in food safety and standards that will enable students to identify and critically analyse local, national and global food safety issues of public health significance.

  • To enable students to interpret statutory requirements regarding food composition with reference to quality and safety and develop appropriate procedures for their application in food production and manufacture.

  • To enhance students' skills in research, communication, presentation and reflective practice.


Core modulesPrinciples of Public Health and Epidemiology; Food Safety and Standards for Public Health; Public Health: Policy and Promotion; Food Safety in Practice.

Elective modulesOne module from –

Food Resources and Security; Managing Public Sector Organisations; Public Policy: Process and Practice.

Research modulesResearch Methods in Epidemiology; Research Project in Public Health.

3. MSc Public Health (Nutrition and Health Care)


  • To provide specialist knowledge and practical skills in nutrition that will enable students to design, implement, evaluate and manage nutritional screening and support programmes for clients in different settings.

  • To provide critical understanding of the social, cultural, economic determinants of nutrition-related health and relate the same to the nutritional provision and care of clients from all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.

  • To enhance students' skills in research, communication, presentation and reflective practice.


Core modulesPrinciples of Public Health; Nutrition for Health Care; Public Health: Policies and Promotion Nutrition in Practice.

Elective modulesOne module from: Standard Setting: Clinical Audit and Beyond; Managing Public Sector Organisations; Public Policy: Process and Practice.

Research modulesResearch Methods in Epidemiology; Research Project in Public Health.

4. MSc Public Health (Health and Society)


  • To provide specialist knowledge in the social and cultural determinants of nutrition-related health in societies that will enable students to identify and critically analyse local, national and global social and cultural influences on public health.

  • To provide critical knowledge and practical skills in developing, planning, implementing and evaluating strategies for promotion of health in societies taking into account the diverse socio-economic and socio-cultural backgrounds of the communities in that society.

  • To enhance students' skills in research, communication, presentation and reflective practice.


Core modulesPrinciples of Public Health; Health in Society; Public Health: Polices and Promotion; Power and Empowerment.

Elective modulesOne module from – Food Resources and Security; Managing Public Sector Organisations; Public Policy: Process and Practice.

Research modulesResearch Methods; Research Project.

Summary of course modules

Principles of Public Health and EpidemiologyThe module introduces the student to the discipline of public health. International and national trends in public health are explored. Public health systems in countries at different levels of economic development are compared. The student is introduced to the science of epidemiology and its application to public health.

Nutrition and Public HealthThis module covers the role of nutrition in public health in a global context. The determinants and risk of both the extremes of nutritional status within and between countries are considered. The student is introduced to the principles underlying nutritional epidemiology. A critical evaluation of current scientific literature in nutritional epidemiology of non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer) introduces the student to the complexities of investigating and understanding the relationship between diet and disease. Current perspectives on energy and nutrient deficiencies and perinatal, maternal and communicable diseases are explored. Food hygiene and its implications for nutrition and health are considered.

Nutrition in PracticeThis module is practical based and covers the techniques in nutritional assessment and the analysis as well as interpretation of the data obtained. Application of the methods and limitations to assess populations in different settings will be examined. The module also covers the topics of energy expenditure and requirements, body composition, nutritional screening and surveys.

Food Safety and Standards for Public HealthThe module investigates food safety issues globally and compares the food safety problems in countries at different levels of economic development. A critical and in-depth knowledge of chemical, physical and microbiological health hazards in food is provided. The role of food standards and food legislation in public health is explored.

Food Safety in PracticeThis is a laboratory-based practical module. It covers the methods and practice of techniques available for food analysis and its application to food safety assessment. Issues in designing, planning and implementing food safety protocols are discussed. Risk analysis and HACCP is covered.

Nutrition for Health CareThe module introduces the student to the principles of nutrition. It provides a critical understanding of the physiological basis of nutritional requirement during life cycle.

The importance of nutritional care and support on health outcomes is illustrated by using case studies to explain the relationship between diseased state and nutritional status.

Health in SocietyThe module investigates social and cultural determinants of food and nutrition-related behaviour and attitudes that lead to ill health in a society. The social pattern of diet and diseases within and between countries is explored. The impact of natural and man-made disasters on nutrition and health is critically discussed. Current efforts to improve health in societies are debated.

Food Resources and SecurityThis module explores food resources and discusses the different components of food security. It investigates the role of agriculture and biotechnology as well as food processing and technology in food security. The social, cultural and political factors that influence food security at national and household level will be discussed. The importance of R&D and training in the different sectors involved in improving food resources and security will be emphasised.

Public Health: Promotion and PoliciesThis module covers the theoretical and practical aspects of public health policies and promotion of health in food and nutrition context. Policies in different countries will be compared with reference to the nutrition-related health situation. Health education as a basis of health promotion and different models of health promotion will be explored.

Research Methods in EpidemiologyThis module introduces the student to research methods in epidemiology. It covers principles of epidemiological study designs, sampling, sample size calculations, surveys and statistical tools for epidemiological data and hypothesis testing. It aims to provide students with advanced research skills.

Research Project in Public HealthThis module builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the module, Research Methods in Epidemiology. This module requires students to undertake a supervised research project in public health in a subject area of specialist pathway.

Power and EmpowermentThe module will focus on concepts and models of power and empowerment with particular reference to working with individuals and communities in the context of their relationship to statutory agencies and community organisations. Personal and socio-political aspects of power will be considered with reference to social issues (e.g. health, housing and community care). A variety of perspectives on power and empowerment will be explored at the personal, community and national level with reference to empowerment strategies for sustainable development in the Third World. The work of Freire and Foucault will be included. Principles of empowerment for professional practice will be examined in the context of difference and diversity. During the module students will interview representatives of several organisations (of their choice) to explore organisational structure, their relationship to other organisations and their strategies for involving users/members in the decision-making processes of their organisations. The principles and practice of conducting semi-structured interviews will therefore be included.

Managing Public Sector OrganisationsThe purpose of the module is to equip students with a range of theoretical and practical skills to enable them to enhance their organisational effectiveness as managers in the public sector of both the UK economy and internationally. The main areas covered are: managerial roles, organisational structures and management, managerial skills, culture, human resource management and an introduction to financial management and marketing.

Public Policy: Process and PracticeThis module combines the academic study of policy with the practical problems involved in the formulation and preparation of a document recommending a specific policy. The students will be divided into teams, each working on a specific policy area. A few lectures will introduce some key topics related to theoretical and ethical issues, but seminar topics will reflect the student's choice of policy to be studied.

Further information

For further information on the course, please contact: Campus Admissions Office (Centre for Food, Nutrition and Public Health), Cavendish Campus, 115 New Cavendish Campus, London W1M 8JS. Tel: 020 7911 5082 or 5883; Fax: 020 7911 5079; E-mail: Web site:

Sam Sumar and Michael Trevan

Centre for Food, Nutrition and Public Health, University of Westminster, London. (Sam Sumar is Chair of the Centre for Food, Nutrition and Public Health and Michael Trevan is the Provost of the Cavendish Campus at the University of Westminster, London.)

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