(2004), "Events", Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 8 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Academy of Management (Theme: Creating Actionable Knowledge)
Annual Meeting, 6-11 August 2004, New Orleans
The 2004 academy conference in New Orleans is an excellent opportunity for us to take stock of what we have been doing to make our research more relevant to organizations, and to generate new approaches to developing useful knowledge. The conference theme, "Creating Actionable Knowledge", provides a broad platform for addressing the practical relevance of our research and how it can be made more applicable to management and organizations.
For more details, contact: Thomas G. Cummings and Yolanda Jones, 2004 Program Chair and 2004 Program Coordinator,
Delivering Performance – Aligning Enterprise Metrics to Leadership, Innovation and R&D Productivity Conference
This three-day event will take place 25-27 August 2004 – Hilton Head Marriott Beach and Golf Resort, SC, USA
Who will attend this premier conference on insights into the mind of the market? Attendees will be both new and experienced managers from the following job functions: business analysis, operations, business process improvement, performance measurement/management, business project/portfolio management, product development, financial control, corporate planning, customer satisfaction, quality assurance, six sigma, metrics, new product development, R&D and strategic planning.
The conference will teach metrics and measures for managing projects for maximum value. Attendees will take away knowledge on key issues such as integrating metrics into work processes and project management, applying metrics to drive change in development activities and metrics in management decision-making.
We are particularly interested in hearing practitioners share what has worked (and what has not worked) in their organizations. Sessions will average 45 minutes to one hour in length. We are also interested in proposals for half-day seminars and workshops on the first day of the conference.
Some hot topics include:
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developing metrics that are aligned with business strategy;
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defining measures and metrics necessary to benchmark projects;
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measuring the performance of a project management office;
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integrating the product, the schedule and the budget to manage for maximum "project profit";
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using metrics to demonstrate the value of project management;
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quantifying, measuring and justifying projects;
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integrating metrics with the current project management process;
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measurement models;
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metrics and measures for new product development;
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project specific metrics to help manage the developmental pipeline;
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troubleshooting with metrics and measures; and
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metrics in change management.
For more details, contact: