(2003), "New section of the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 7 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited
New section of the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
New section of the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Current research developments
As Editor, I am conscious of the fact that there is a wealth of research into aspects of fashion marketing and management being carried out in academic institutes around the world, which while not in a format which would be acceptable as a fully developed academic paper, would still be of interest to readers. This may include, for example, work in progress; research (primary) carried out as part of a postgraduate programme; short reports on partially completed research and, exceptionally, research from undergraduate dissertations. In addition, readers may wish to comment on previously published papers as a result of research they have undertaken but which of itself would not generate a full academic paper.
I am, therefore, inviting contributions to a new section of the journal, which will be called "Current research developments". In order to protect the reputation of the journal all contributions will be refereed by at least one member of the editorial board, but contributions which are shorter or less complete than fully developed academic papers will be welcomed. A sound research methodology will be expected to underpin all contributions. This development will fit in with the policy of the publisher to support ongoing research by potential authors, which is best illustrated by the Emerald research register, which can be accessed at and is open to all, but with priority entry afforded to Emerald Literati Club members.
All contributions to current research developments should be sent to the Editor in the normal way to:
Mrs D. Berriman (Journal Administrator),Department of Clothing Design and Technology,Manchester Metropolitan University,Hollings Faculty of Food, Clothing and Hospitality Management,Old Hall Lane,Manchester M14 6HR, UK.Fax: +44 (0) 161 247 6329E-mail:
Contributions should be in both hard copy and on disk.