Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age

Alan Tse

Journal of Consumer Marketing

ISSN: 0736-3761

Article publication date: 1 July 2000




Tse, A. (2000), "Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 358-372.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Although the Internet revolution has drastically changed the way firms market their products and services, the application of the technology in marketing is so new that anyone who uses it would become a pioneer in the area. There is little empirical research or theory that guides marketing managers as to how a successful online business should be conducted. Having been a consultant in developing plans and implementing digital and online marketing programs for over 15 years, Bill Bishop shows you how to build a digital marketing strategy, develop a plan, and execute it profitably in Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age. The author provides a practical, step‐by‐step model for developing an effective marketing program using digital and online technology. In addition to “Internet” marketing, the author also explains how various digital tools can be used to enhance the competitive advantage of a firm.

A common mistake made by firms is the tendency to put all their money and effort into building an elaborate World Wide Web site, with little or no strategic thinking first. In the final analysis, they end up with the equivalent of a beautifully designed and expensive brochure. People come to their site, look around, realize it’s just another advertisement, and leave. The Web software records thousands and thousands of hits, but nothing happens. No increased sales. No increased knowledge of the customer. To generate real sales revenue on the Internet, Bill Bishop proposes an alternative approach based on a thorough understanding of the needs and wants of online customers. In chapter three of the book, he provides a Strategic Digital Marketing (SDM) Model that outlines the steps for developing an effective marketing strategy for a firm planning to go online. The SDM model is a comprehensive how‐to guide for developing strategies that add value to relationships with clients and business partners.

In Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age, Bill Bishop cuts through the myths and the jargon to show how any business – large or small – can improve their competitiveness using digital tools, including personal computers, online systems, CD‐ROMs, interactive kiosks, voice mail, smart cards and databases – in an effective and integrated manner. He shows how traditional marketing models based on mass markets and mass media no longer necessarily apply, and how a whole new strategy is required.

In a step‐by‐step format, using specific, actual cases from businesses, Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age shows how companies can assess the growing digital market and explains the range of digital tools available. For marketing directors of multinational corporations, retailers, home‐based entrepreneurs, consultants and marketing students, Strategic Marketing for the Digital Age is a comprehensive, straightforward guide to harnessing the incredible marketing power of the digital revolution.

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