Special issue on international marketing, strategic orientations and business success

International Marketing Review

ISSN: 0265-1335

Article publication date: 2 November 2010



(2010), "Special issue on international marketing, strategic orientations and business success", International Marketing Review, Vol. 27 No. 6. https://doi.org/10.1108/imr.2010.03627faa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special issue on international marketing, strategic orientations and business success

Article Type: Call for papers From: International Marketing Review, Volume 27, Issue 6

Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2011

Over the last two decades, we have witnessed a rapid growth in research into strategic orientations in the main-stream, the non-international, and the strategic marketing literatures. For example, researchers have published hundreds of papers on the topic of market orientation, and numerous studies have focused on constructs such as learning orientation, innovation orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, technological orientation, sales orientation, and various stakeholder orientations. The culmination of much of this research indicates that the possession of certain strategic orientations is often beneficial for businesses.

However, research into strategic orientations within the international marketing literature is less well developed. Questions abound regarding the benefits for international marketers of adopting various strategic orientations, and the ways in which firms can go about managing their strategic focus in their international operations. Likewise, serious questions have been raised about the universal utility of various strategic orientations for marketers operating in different countries (e.g. Ellis 2007; Cadogan et al., 2009).

The purpose of this special issue is to shed new light on strategic orientations, and their consequences and antecedents, within the international marketing arena.

We invite researchers to submit papers on any issue that deals with international marketing and strategic orientations. We do not expect submitted papers to deal with all types of strategic orientation simultaneously: researchers could focus on just one orientation (e.g. export market orientation, international innovation orientation), or could focus on specific components of a strategic orientation (e.g. export customer orientation). That said, there are also important research questions that require consideration of more than one orientation. The following topics provide a flavor of the subjects about which we would encourage submissions to the special issue. Authors are not limited to these topics, of course! .

  • Defining strategic orientations in the international marketing arena. .

  • Measurement of strategic orientations in the international marketing arena. .

  • International strategic orientations and their consequences (e.g. international marketing performance, innovation success). .

  • Moderators of the relationships between international strategic orientations and international marketing success. .

  • The environment and international strategic orientation choice. .

  • Antecedents to and conditions facilitating the adoption of international strategic orientations. .

  • Managing multiple international strategic orientations. .

  • How many international strategic orientations can a firm meaningfully manage? .

  • Trade-offs between international strategic orientations. .

  • Intra-firm differences in strategic orientations across domestic/ international market operations. .

  • The reach of strategic orientations: how does internationalization strategy interact with international strategic orientations? .

  • Conceptual and empirical overlaps and distinctions between international strategic orientations. .

  • Profiling firms based on the constituent elements of an international strategic orientation (e.g. forms of export market orientation). .

  • Profiling firms based on multiple international strategic orientations. .

  • Strategic orientations within the context of international partnerships (e.g. distributors, suppliers, JVs), alliances, and networks.

  • Marketing strategy (e.g. standardization) and international strategic orientations. .

  • Strategic types and international strategic orientations. .

  • Improvisation, creativity, strategic flexibility, and international strategic orientations. .

  • Internationalization issues and international strategic orientations. .

  • Entry mode issues and international strategic orientations. .

  • Cross-national comparisons of the antecedents to and/or consequences of strategic orientations. .

  • National culture and strategic orientations. .

  • Levels of analysis issues in international strategic orientation research. .

  • Mode of entry and international strategic orientations. .

  • Organizational memory and international strategic orientations. .

  • Information use and international strategic orientations.

We welcome conceptual and empirical pieces. Please submit papers to the IMR special issue on ‘‘International marketing, strategic orientations and business success’’ by 31 March 2011. Papers should be submitted via the Manuscript Central online submission system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/imrev

We will be looking to publish accepted papers early on in 2012. If you have any questions about the special issue, or would like clarification on whether your paper is suitable for the special issue, contact John Cadogan, the special issue editor: J.W.Cadogan@Lboro.ac.uk


Cadogan, John W., Olli Kuivalainen and Sanna Sundqvist (2009), ‘‘Export market-oriented behavior and export performance: quadratic and moderating effects under differing degrees of market dynamism and internationalization’’, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 71-89.

Ellis, Paul D. (2007), ‘‘Distance, dependence and diversity of markets: effects on market orientation’’, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 374-86.

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