(2005), "High temperature valve for safe and simple sampling", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 57 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
High temperature valve for safe and simple sampling
High temperature valve for safe and simple sampling
Keywords: Valves (fluids), Temperature, Activity sampling
Tyco Valves & Controls, a business unit of Tyco Engineered Products & Services, has launched its Neotecha Sapro high temperature sampling valve, providing the simplest and safest industry solution for taking samples of aggressive and corrosive high temperature media (Plate 2).
The new Sapro sampling valve can sustain operating temperatures up to 350°C (662°F), and is available in stainless steel or Hastelloy®, making it the ultimate choice for use with highly volatile materials such as thermal oil in chemical, petrochemical, polycondensation and polymerization applications, and in plastic and rubber processing.
Plate 2
Tyco's high temperature valve for safe and simple sampling
Operation of the valve is simple and safe: a non-rising multi turn hand wheel simply lifts the valve spindle from its metal seat, allowing the media to flow into the sampling bottle.
A needle bearing is also installed to achieve a smooth operation. For optimum safety the valve can be supplied with a safety cabinet.
A tough Stellite-21 layer on the valve's spindle seal ensures safe operation and an extended life time with highly flammable media. The hard coating creates a tough knife edge which can cut through any process impurities to maintain an absolutely leak proof bond. This is essential in applications such as thermal oil processing where solid particles in the oil can subject the valve seat to severe conditions and potential damage.
The valve's rugged construction also enables it to withstand the highest thermal and mechanical stresses generated during applications such as the heating and cooling of thermal oil.
Tyco's high temperature sampling valve works perfectly with both high and low viscosity media, because its bottle adaptor is available with discharge diameters of between 4 and 12 mm. Within each bottle adapter, a G 1/8 in. connector allows the displaced air from the bottle to be released into a scrubbing or venting system. A range of adaptors is available to suit various types of bottle threading.
The Sapro high temperature sampling valve has been designed to handle pressures of maximum 16 bar, and is available in sizes from 1 to 4 in. wafer or flanged DIN or ANSI.
The flanged version is also available with a heating jacket.