(2002), "Walkersele Ultraglide is new benchmark for rotary lip seals", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 54 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited
Walkersele Ultraglide is new benchmark for rotary lip seals
Keywords: Seals, Bearings
Walkersele Ultraglide from James Walker is set to be the new high-efficiency rotary lip seal that will benchmark the low-maintenance demands of hardworking industrial plant.Extensive trials on hot steel rolling mill bearings in Germany have exceeded expectations. Other seals on this mill failed after a few weeks due to high under-lip temperatures and water contamination of the grease. Walkersele Ultraglide seals have run seven months without noticeable loss of performance or integrity (Plate 5).
5 Walkersele Ultraglide is new benchmark for rotary lip seals
Ultraglide's success is based on a new hydrogenated nitrile (HNBR) elastomer, developed by James Walker Technology Centre for lip seals that run for long periods under hot, abrasive conditions. Bearing life and bearing seal technology are often the limiting factors when plant operators want higher shaft speeds and working temperatures plus extended maintenance-free operation.
Explained James Walker technical manager David Edwin-Scott: "Rotary seals based on conventional nitrile (NBR) rubber suffer lip hardening and cracking at high running speeds when under-lip temperatures reach around 100C. Although fluoroelastomer (FKM) compounds can survive 200 C, they have poor wear resistance and limited physical strength at high temperatures. They are also more expensive to produce and mould."
James Walker's new HNBR material has been formulated to overcome all these problems. It withstands under-lip temperatures in excess of 150 C. Extended life and improved high speed running are achieved by the material's low coefficient of friction (0.25) and superior heat dissipation properties.
"Walkersele Ultraglide was developed with rolling mills and other heavy transmission systems in mind", confirms David Edwin-Scott. "We also see great potential for it on rotary process plant in abrasive environments."
Further technical information from: Rotary Seals Centre, James Walker & Co Limited Cockermouth, Cumbria CA13 ONN, UK. Tel: +44 1900 823555; Fax: +44 1900 825588; E-mail:; Web site: http:\\