Cost 516 Tribology Action

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology

ISSN: 0036-8792

Article publication date: 1 February 1999



(1999), "Cost 516 Tribology Action", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 51 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

Cost 516 Tribology Action

Cost 516 Tribology Action

13-15 May 1998-08-19Helsinki

Some 81 delegates attended this Symposium at which new research results were presented and discussed, focusing on grease lubrication, surface engineering and tribology of environmental adapted lubricants.

The Symposium was hosted by VTT Technical Research Centre in Finland, and the Chairman was Professor Kenneth Holmberg.

Present were 21 European countries and one non-European (India) which had joined the action in August 1995; 110 project proposals had been evaluated by 21 highly scientific experts. The first project received funding and started in 1996, and at the beginning of 1998 there were 52 running projects in action with a total research funding of some 16 million ECU.

In March Professor Holmberg reported to the COST Materials Technical Committee meeting in Rome about the status of COST 516 Tribology Action. The COST materials programme has some 700-900 research projects running. COST 516 Tribology Action could be considered the flagship action for the whole COST materials programme.

The COST 516 Tribology Action is a European research programme containing about 60 research projects from 23 countries running from 1994 to 2000.

Full particulars and a copy of the Symposium book can be obtained from Professor K. Holmberg, VTT Manufacturing Technology, PO Box 1704, Fin-02044 VTT, Finland.

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