(1998), "Extreme gear pump seal application wins a Kalrez Silver Award for Gather Industrie", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 50 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited
Extreme gear pump seal application wins a Kalrez Silver Award for Gather Industrie
Extreme gear pump seal application wins a Kalrez Silver Award for Gather Industrie
Pump, centrifuge and quick-coupling manufacturer Gather Industrie GmbH, Mettmann, Germany, recently won third prize in the Kalrez Silver Awards, Europe/Middle East/Africa section, in recognition of outstanding Kalrez parts applications in gear pumps designed to operate in extremes of temperature up to 300oC and pressures of 100 bar in the chemical process industry.
The global awards programme was sponsored by Du Pont Dow Elastomers to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Kalrez perfluoroelastomer parts, introduced a quarter of a century ago as the premier sealing solution for aggressive processing environments.
Gather decided to replace previously installed metal/PTFE O-rings because of the problem of deformation at high temperatures, causing leakage at the sealing surfaces compromising industry safety requirements. According to Dip.Eng. Klaus Lübke, the company's technical manager, only O-rings of Kalrez were able to withstand long-term exposure to aggressive chemicals at such extremes of heat and pressure. In numerous other cases, Kalrez parts fitted up to ten years ago are still working without problem.
Unlike metal O-rings, the perfluoroelastomer also compensates for the uneven internal sealing forces within the asymmetric pump housing, maintaining a leak-free seal, explains Mr Lübke. He also reports that by switching to Kalrex, pump assembly and dismantling has been made easier, leading to cost savings through reduced maintenance and production down time. As a result, Kalrez seals are now fitted as standard equipment in most of Gather's extensive range of gear pumps.
Key markets for Gather Industrie products are the chemical process and aircraft industries in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The company's gear pumps are also used in reactors and other difficult operating environments where only Kalrez can meet stringent seal reliability and safety requirements long-term.
In the 25 years since first commercially introduced, Kalrez perfluoroelastomer parts have provided superior performance in a wide variety of demanding sealing applications. Kalrez resists more than 1,600 chemicals and is thermally stable up to 316oC.
For further information please contact: Linda Terry, Du Pont Dow Elastomer Ltd, tel: +44(0) 1438) 734833; fax: +44(0) 1438 734550; Email: Linda.Terry- com