(1998), "Heavy loads skate on air", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 50 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited
Heavy loads skate on air
Heavy loads skate on air
Keyword: Pneumatics
Pneumatics has received an additional push into the heavy industrial arena with Hovair's air-cushioned skating system. This air-bearing technology can manoeuvre loads up to 600 tonnes from a ring-main pressure of 5-6 bar.
The air skates are manufactured as air-cushioned circular or square tables, in either aluminium or steel, supported by bearings. Sets of four or more bearings float on a virtually frictionless air cushion, providing freedom of motion through the horizontal plane.
Aluminium air skates use a lightweight but rigid extrusion to withstand high loading without distortion.
Once compressed air is supplied to the air skate, a pressure zone forms when an abrasion-resistant urethane diaphragm inflates. Controlled leakage to the atmosphere then creates an air film between the diaphragm and floor.
The company add that: "Air skates require an effort of 3-5kg per tonne to move loads".