(2004), "New sustainable procurement campaign launched in Europe", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 5 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
New sustainable procurement campaign launched in Europe
“More sustainability for the same money – this is the motto which should convince more and more politicians of the concept.” This was said by ICLEI sustainable procurement director, Christoph Erdmenger, at the launch of a new campaign on sustainable procurement.
The new campaign (“Procura+”), focusing on sustainable procurement in local authorities, was launched in Goteborg at the ICLEI Eco-Procura conference in Goteborg, Sweden, 8-9 September 2003.
“Procura+” is the latest initiative of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), a global network of local governments. The campaign includes social aspects on top of the traditional environmental or “green” approach. The aim is to mainstream sustainability in European cities purchasing through energy savings, chemical reductions and sustainable building.
The campaign is based on the findings of a three-year research project, financed by the European Union, which showed huge potential for environmental improvements.
The first city endorsing the concept is Barcelona, Spain. Txema Castiella I. Viu, director, environmental education and participation of Barcelona’s city council stated: “Sustainable procurement is not a luxury for the richer Northern European countries, but a valuable concept for sustainable development throughout Europe.”
Over 160 representatives from public authorities and organizations attended the conference that covered various issues related to sustainable procurement.
For more information on the campaign, please contact ICLEI at: ICLEI European Secretariat, Leopoldring 3, D-79098 Freiburg, Germany. Tel: +49-761/36892-0; Fax: +49-761/36892-19; e-mail: