Fernie, J. (2001), "Editorial", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 29 No. 7.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
This issue of Retail Insights will focus on the topics of smart cards and customer loyalty. First, John Byrom provides a paper which seeks to outline the current and potential future role of loyalty card data in local marketing initiatives. Drawing on themes from literature on the topic as well as on interviews with UK retailers' he points out that effective use of data is arguably the most significant benefit of scheme implementation. He notes the increasing likelihood of scheme failures should organizations neglect to harness loyalty card data effectively.
This is followed by a report from Schlumberger on smart card trends and expectations for 2001. The report notes that a 20 per cent plus growth in overall smart card shipments is predicted for the current year. Schlumberger goes on to identify some of the key sector and geographical developments we can expect to see by year end.
KPMG provides some insights from a report examining effective means of customer loyalty reinforcement within retailing. The report focuses on some of the issues around operating within the Internet environment.
This is followed by a piece on brand value reporting. This features findings from the fourth installment of a brand value reporting survey of city analysts and is supplied by Brand Finance plc.
After a review of the updated edition of Hill and Alexander's publication on customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement readers will find a selection of abstracts from the Emerald Reviews database. These are based around the topic of smart cards and offer a wide range of insights on the theme.
John Fernie