Foster, K. (2006), "International Journal of Conflict Management changes publisher", International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 17 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
International Journal of Conflict Management changes publisher
Since the last issue of the International Journal of Conflict Management various changes have taken place. In November 2006 the journal was acquired by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, a leading English language publisher of academic and professional literature in the fields of management. Founded in 1967, Emerald publishes over 170 journals, and supplies its international titles to university libraries and public and private sector organizations worldwide. The online Emerald collection of all current titles plus a digital archive of some 50,000 papers, is held in over 1,000 business schools and university libraries.
Emerald titles in business and management include European Journal of Marketing, Personnel Review, Management Decision, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Internet Research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management and Journal of Knowledge Management.
Emerald’s philosophy of “theory and practice” should strike a chord with anyone familiar with the International Journal of Conflict Management, and it is because of this meeting of minds that we at Emerald feel the journal will continue to grow and develop as a key resource for both management professionals and academics in the management community.
We also have to report the decision of Dr Afzal Rahim to step down as Editor-in-Chief for the journal. We would like to thank Dr Rahim for his efforts over the last few years, and especially for his assistance during the handover period. We are pleased to announce that Dr Richard Posthuma will be leading the journal from now on, with Dr Michael Roloff as Associate Editor. We are very pleased to be working with Drs Posthuma and Roloff, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and support during this time of change.
This issue is the first for some time, and we are hoping to publish two full volumes of the Journal in 2007 to bring the journal back up to date, and pacify the authors and subscribers who have waited so patiently for another issue.
This issue demonstrates the commitment to theory and practice, with four very worthy papers. Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni, Denise M. Rousseau and Min Li investigate four types of psychological contracts and develop reliable measures of relationship quality.
Scott L. Boyar et al. continue assessment of the construct and predictive validity of the Netemeyer et al. (1996) Work Family Conflict (WFC) and Family Work Conflict (FWC) scales while reassessing the scales for possible improvements.
David Dickson and Owen Hargie investigate the scope and nature of sectarianism as experienced by employees, managers and those with trade union responsibilities, in the Northern Ireland workplace.
B. Charles Tatum and Richard J. Eberlin provide a set of role playing exercises for teachers that demonstrates to their students the relationship between organizational justice and conflict management.
I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Publisher for the International Journal of Conflict Management and say how much I am looking forward to working with you in the future.
Kim FosterPublisher, Emerald Group Publishing Limited